Pay what you can
massage classes

Why do I offer PWYC massage classes?

Taking lots and lots of continuing education classes over the years has helped me develop my skill as a massage therapist, kept me interested in and engaged with my work, connected me with wonderful  people in our shared  community, and expanded my vision and my life.  I offer PWYC classes to help make the same benefits available for my LMT colleagues, whether they are comfortable financially or not.

I've heard many LMTs say they have difficulty affording CE classes on their often very modest paychecks.  I've heard many say that for financial reasons they limit the CE classes they take to the bare minimum required to keep their license active.  I am committed to helping these colleagues attend as many massage classes as they are motivated to take.To this end I offer a "Pay What You Can" system for some of my classes. My intent is to eliminate budget constraints as barriers preventing passionate massage therapists from attending classes.

I am committed to cultivating the quality of massage in our community so that together we can continue to improve and evolve. I am dedicated to helping all of us LMTs  discover ever more ways to be successful in our lives on many levels, and to love our work. I so enjoy both giving massage and teaching others; I thrive by sharing my passion with other wonderful therapists.  Offering PWYC classes is one way for me to support our shared community.


Note that because of logistics PWYC is available only for the classes that I self host, and is not available for classes I teach that are hosted by other organizations.


1. Don't use the PWYC discount if you don't really need it and only take as much of a discount as you really need. There are costs associated with teaching CE classes and I am committed to maintaining high quality classes with this system in effect.

2. Please do not no-show after using a PWYC discount. You will be taking up a space that could be used by someone else. This would be very disrespectful to me and the rest of our community who could have actually used the spot that you are taking.

3. Pass this PWYC gift along by helping others when you have the opportunity!

A Note To OTHER CE Providers

 I have offered various models of PWYC for many years a well as liberal sliding scale massage sessions for massage therapists.  My experience has been that LMTs use these opportunities carefully, and with appreciation. I keep the quality of my massage sessions and massage classes high, and LMTs respond by paying as much as they can.  I've never experienced anyone abusing these opportunities. So come, give it a try and see what happens!

Finally, thank you fellow teacher Joe Lavin of Touch Factor Massage and Bodywork for the model of this PWYC system.